MFC8 MFC - 리소스에서 FileVersion 얻어오기 #pragma comment(lib, "version.lib") void main() { // 버전정보를 담을 버퍼 char *buffer = NULL; // 버전을 확인할 파일 char *name = "c:\\TestFolder\\test.exe"; DWORD infoSize = 0; // 파일로부터 버전정보데이터의 크기가 얼마인지를 구합니다. infoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(name, 0); if (infoSize == 0) return; // 버퍼할당 buffer = new char[infoSize]; if (buffer) { // 버전정보데이터를 가져옵니다. if (GetFileVersionInfo(name, 0, infoSize, buffer) != 0) { VS_F.. 2015. 2. 2. MFC - 다이얼로그(Dialog)에 상태표시줄(CStatusBar)을 표시하기 Introduction Someone asked in the VC++ forum how they can add a status bar to a dialog and I foolishly replied saying that all they had to do was to have a CStatusBar member in their dialog class and that they should call Create() from the OnInitDialog() handler. Then someone else replied saying that it didn't work and then I tried it out myself and to my horror found that nothing happened. Anyh.. 2015. 2. 2. 이전 1 2 다음 반응형